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Presentation of the Padel Racket brand Paddle Coach

Let’s talk today with Mr Enrique Vicente Herrero, in charge of the padel racket brand “Paddle Coach”, based in Spain, in the city of Córdoba.

Hi Enrique, could you please introduce yourself and when did you start working in the Padel business ?

My relationship with padel started around 1997, and soon I began to work on the Varlion brand, where I worked for 10 years, most of them as Commercial Manager. Later I was motivated by a new project with Star Vie, where I have worked 8 years as Commercial Manager as well. Now I have my own project (PADDLE COACH) with some partners, where I serve as CEO.

When was founded your brand “Paddle Coach” and is the name comes from the fact that padel coaches are your main customers?

Paddle Coach was founded on 1999, and the name comes from the relationship of its founder with paddle coaches that´s the main reason. Also, the founder wanted to keep the original name of this sport “PADDLE”, and we also wanted to keep it. And no, our products are made for every padel player.


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Could you please present us your range of padel shovels ?

We have 6 rackets in our catalog, each one is designed for a type of game, so we offer rackets for a wide audience, from beginner to profesional.

FORZA: This racket is made for every beginner that want to start to play padel, and have a low Budget. 100% fiber glass.

BIGBOSS: Bigboss is a nice racket, with a round shape and with carbon, fiber glass and EVA soft, so a really confortable racket.

SATELITE: Is made with the same materials than Bigboss but wit a tear shape, what give it more power. His design is really cool.

AIRBOX: With a high density EVA, carbon 100% on his frame and a round shape, this racket has a perfect control but also a good power.

BITUBOX: Made 100% with 3k carbon and EVA soft, is one of our best racket. It has two frame, something not usual, that reduce the vibrations and therefore arm injuries. His design is really awesome, we are the only brand that makes these incredible tubulars. Also 1cm more of handle, make really easy to move.

TRITUBOX: 3k carbono on his frame, TexTreme carbon on the face and three frames, make this racket unique. Also 1cm more of handle, make really easy to move. His design is incredible, and with it you can feel a really high power and control.


Some says that there are 300 different padel racket brands in the world. That’s a lot. What differs your brand from other brands of padel palas ?

Our brand is directed by professionals with extensive experience in the sector and our rackets have innovative technology such as the tritubox, bitubox and airbox system. Most of those 300 brands do not have a professional and serious commercial policy, anyone can sell their products in the corner of a club, without knowledge or guarantees. We do a completely professional trade, selling only to professional stores and offering rackets made in one of the best factories in the world. Any business that works our brand will benefit from our policy.

The crisis of Covid has a terrible impact in the padel business. Some clubs are shutting down and some padel brands may disappear. How do you see the padel industry in this challenging time?

All brands will be affected, but I think brands with a greater business structure and a better product such as PADDLE COACH, Will have more posibilities to recover.

Spain is definitely the first market of padel in Europe. Beside Spain, do you sell your rackets in other countries to make it an international brand or only domestic sales is your target ?

Yes, Spain is currently the most powerful market in Europe. PADDLE COACH has begun its reappearance in the market this 2020 where we have introduced the products in our country. We are currently in negotiations for distribution in countries such as Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, France and Sweden.

What are you next plans for Paddle Coach ?

We are developing our collection of clothing and bags, and we would like to end this year 2020 having penetrated the European and American market. We consider our presence abroad very important.

A last word to conclude this interview ?

Lastly, thank Padelist for offering to show our brand to their entire community. If any professional in the sector would like more information on the possibility of distributing our brand in their country, they can contact us at or sending a mail to [email protected]


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