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Padel News

Lord Padel giveaway

Conditions of the giveaway : Legal basis of the draw CLAUSE 1.- ORGANIZER is the organizing company of this giveaway in accordance with what is described below in those conditions. CLAUSE 2.-...

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Padel in Australia

Let's talk today with Quim Granados, a former spanish professional padel player now working in Sydney, Australia to make padel grow on this side of the planet. Joaquin, could you please...

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Padel Classes

You can find padel classes in Madrid, Barcelona or any big cities where padel is represented. In this aticle, we will give you our selection of padel classes online videos....

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RS Padel Rackets Giveaway

***** Giveaway closed! Congratulations to Stefan and Charlotte, the two winners who won the RS PADEL rackets ! ***** Conditions of the giveaway : Legal basis of the draw CLAUSE 1.- ORGANIZER

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Our recommended partners

Irish Padel Association
Padel Island
Padel Souq
Strong Padel
Padel Goliat
Volt Padel
Grow Padel
Korde Padel
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